Essential Information You Must Have about Sinus Lift Procedures

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April 25, 2023

Sinus lift surgery is a strategy suggested by dentists if you desire dental implants but have inadequate jawbone to secure them. This procedure is also known as sinus augmentation or sinus graft. Periodontists and oral surgeons generally perform this process.There are various techniques that dental specialists use when performing a sinus lift procedure. Please continue reading to learn more about this therapy and how it can help you secure your dental implants.

What Makes Sinus Lift Procedures Essential?

Lifting the maxillary sinus to make sufficient space for new bone is what sinus lift refers to. Your maxillary sinuses are air-filled sacs located about the posterior portion of the maxilla or upper jaw. Lifting the sinus and grafting bone in between creates more bone for dentists to place dental implants.If you don't have sufficient upon jawbone, the dental implant cannot secure correctly, and the new placement cannot perform the demanding tasks like chewing. Insufficient jawbone results in dental implant failure because it doesn't secure correctly. Some reasons why you may have experienced jawbone loss include birth defects, periodontal disease, cancer, and if your sinus cavities are too large or thin.Furthermore, jawbone loss occurs with tooth loss encouraging your jawbone to become thinner over time. Doctors from the foundation of oral rehabilitation recommend sinus lift surgery after determining you have fewer than 4 to 6 mm of bone height in the posterior region of her jaw.

Preparing for Sinus Lift Surgery

Getting dental implants to replace missing teeth is a multistep process. Sinus lifts or bone grafting precede the process before placing dental implants. During your initial consultation with the dentist office near me, the professional will discuss your goals for getting dental implants in Phoenix. Your mouth, teeth, and gums are examined by the dentist.Imaging studies like x-rays and CT scans are taken by the dentist to determine jawbone health and critical structures of the skull. You undergo sinus lift surgery if required to help secure the implant. Your dentist places the dental implant holder known as an abutment. Finally, the surgeon inserts the dental implant.The dental implant placement procedure is expensive, making it essential to take the time required to ensure the best results.When undergoing sinus lift surgery, several different approaches exist. The method best suited for you depends on how much bone you currently have in your jaw, the type of bone graft the doctors provide, and the approach for dental implant placement later.The basic procedures when undergoing sinus lift surgery include the following:You receive oral or intravenous anesthesia from the dentist in Phoenix, AZ, to keep you comfortable during the procedure. Your surgeon identifies the site and makes incisions in the posterior region of the gum tissue to expose the bone. The surgeon also cuts a small part of the bone, remaining cautious to avoid sinus membranes. Next, the surgeon lifts the cut portion of the bone into the sinus cavity by raising the membrane. The bone grafting materials are applied to the newly lifted area, after which the surgeon uses sutures to close the incisions in the gums.After the procedure, dentist 85085 provides after-care instructions to guide you through your recovery.

Recovering from Sinus Lift Procedures

Swelling and bleeding are the most common side effects after sinus lift procedures. However, the discomfort subsides in a few days allowing you to return to your regular activities as directed by the dentist. The most complicating concern after the sinus lift procedure is the perforation of the Schneiderian membrane lining the maxillary sinus cavity. The perforation increases the risk for chronic sinusitis and infections.If your sinus lifts procedure proceeds without complications, you receive recovery instructions from the dentist include information like:

  • Taking antibiotics is recommended to avoid infections.
  • You must prevent vigorously blowing your nose or sneezing because it can affect the bone grafting material placed.
  • You must avoid brushing your teeth for some time for fear of dislodging any clots or bleeding.
  • You can take pain relievers if you experience discomfort from the procedure.
  • You must refrain from using a straw for drinking because it can dislodge the blood clots that prevent bleeding.
  • Smoking can impair healing time because the chemicals in tobacco are harmful. Therefore you must stay away from tobacco use after you undergo the sinus lift procedure.

You can return to your doctor after a week of the procedure. However, if you experience pain or bleeding that is challenging to control, call your doctor or dentist for attention as soon as possible. Your jawbone requires 4 to 12 months to heal from sinus lift procedures before you can have dental implants. However, in some cases, dentists place dental implants immediately after sinus lift surgery.If you intend to have dental implants in your upper jawbone, consider scheduling an appointment with the Phoenix dentist to evaluate your mouth and determine whether you need the sinus lift procedure.